PHP to Oracle 8 Install issues


New Member
I\'d like to know what setup it takes to connect from one Redhat 7.1 pc with (out of the box) php 4.04 on it to another Redhat 7.1 pc with Oracle 8 on it. phpinfo reports php was compiled without oracle and without OCI8.
Is it necessary to recompile Apache/PHP? and if so, do I need to install Oracle and/or the client libraries (as mentioned in the PHP manual: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) on my php machine? (isn\'t it possible to just connect to the Oracle machine (natively, out of the box) like I would with MySQL?) The php manual mentions use of OCI8: \"This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle extension.\" So this makes me wonder if I actually need the OCI8 libs.
I find the documentation online a bit confusing.

Maybe someone would please like to explain? Thanks very much!
