I\'d like to know what setup it takes to connect from one Redhat 7.1 pc with (out of the box) php 4.04 on it to another Redhat 7.1 pc with Oracle 8 on it. phpinfo reports php was compiled without oracle and without OCI8.
Is it necessary to recompile Apache/PHP? and if so, do I need to install Oracle and/or the client libraries (as mentioned in the PHP manual: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://download.php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php">http://download.php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php</a><!-- m -->) on my php machine? (isn\'t it possible to just connect to the Oracle machine (natively, out of the box) like I would with MySQL?) The php manual mentions use of OCI8: \"This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle extension.\" So this makes me wonder if I actually need the OCI8 libs.
I find the documentation online a bit confusing.
Maybe someone would please like to explain? Thanks very much!
Is it necessary to recompile Apache/PHP? and if so, do I need to install Oracle and/or the client libraries (as mentioned in the PHP manual: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://download.php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php">http://download.php.net/manual/en/ref.oci8.php</a><!-- m -->) on my php machine? (isn\'t it possible to just connect to the Oracle machine (natively, out of the box) like I would with MySQL?) The php manual mentions use of OCI8: \"This extension is more flexible than the standard Oracle extension.\" So this makes me wonder if I actually need the OCI8 libs.
I find the documentation online a bit confusing.
Maybe someone would please like to explain? Thanks very much!