php thumbnail - creates a grainy back and white image


New Member
My code below creates the thumb but it is pretty grainy and although not black and white looks pretty washed out.Any ideas how I can create a better quality thumb?\[code\]$thumb = $targetPath."Thumbs/".$fileName;$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetFile);$width = 200; //New width of image $height = 92; //This maintains proportions$thumbWidth = 200; $thumbHeight = 92;$sourceImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetFile);$targetImage = imagecreate($thumbWidth,$thumbHeight); imagecopyresampled($targetImage,$sourceImage,0,0,0,0,$thumbWidth,$thumbHeight,imagesx($sourceImage),imagesy($sourceImage));//imagejpeg($targetImage, "$thumbPath/$thumbName");imagejpeg($targetImage, $thumb, 100);chmod($thumb, 0755)\[/code\];thanks R.