Php string htmlspecialchars and tags?


New Member
I need some help with my chat script which does not allow html tags right now. I need it to allow \[code\]<b>\[/code\] \[code\]<u>\[/code\] and \[code\]<i>\[/code\] tags so users could edit their texts. My system turns urls to links, so there is some kind of base system for some html, but i need those text editing systems.Here are the files to play with, theyre as text documents on my own domain: have been trying to search answers from here and there, finding something about strip_tags and string htmlspecialchars. They look like something I would need to make my html tags work and what i need to put in chat_room.js file, but I have absolutely no idea how to make them as a code cooperate with my chat_room.tpl site where all the chat messages are sent to chat window. In chat_room.tpl is also this chat scripts own bold, underline and italic scripts, which will bold, italic or underline the whole text instead part of it. I need an option to bold, italic or underline only part of the text.Here is small printscreen of how my chat looks like: me?I am n00b with this and sorry for my bad english, this is not my native language.