PHP SQL UPDATE works in FF and CHROME but not in IE?


New Member
the below code works perfectly in FF and CHROME but not in IE. Please help. I have commented out my santize functions as i thought they might be affecting it, but it still does the same.... nothing in IE. Thank you in advance for any assistance. \[code\]<?php //IF UPDATE BUCKET CHANGE STATUS...if(isset($_POST['updatebucket'])){ $complete = $_POST["complete"]; $bucketid = $_POST["bucketid"];//$complete = sanitizeone($_POST["complete"], "plain");//$complete = strip_word_html($complete);//$bucketid = sanitizeone($_POST["bucketid"], "plain");//$bucketid = strip_word_html($bucketid);if ($complete=="1") $complete = "0";else $complete = "1";$updatebucket = "UPDATE membersbuckets SET complete = '$complete' WHERE userid = '$userid' AND bucketid = '$bucketid'"; mysql_query($updatebucket);}?>\[/code\]and the front end....\[code\]<? if ($complete=="1") { echo "<form action='' method='post' name='updatebucket'><input name='complete' type='hidden' value="$complete." /><input name='userid' type='hidden' value="$userid." /><input name='bucketid' type='hidden' value="$bucketid." /><input type='image' name='updatebucket' value='' src='' /></form>"; }else{ echo "<form action='' method='post' name='updatebucket'><input name='complete' type='hidden' value="$complete." /><input name='userid' type='hidden' value="$userid." /><input name='bucketid' type='hidden' value="$bucketid." /><input type='image' name='updatebucket' value='' src='' /></form>"; }?>\[/code\]Dan