PHP Speed Test for user connection speed without echo in current page


New Member
I am looking for a possibility to check the user connection speed. It is supposed to be saved as a cookie and javascript files as well as css files will be adapted if the speed is slow.The possibility for testing speed i have at the moment ist the following\[code\] $kb = 512; flush(); // echo "<!-"; $time = explode(" ",microtime()); for($x=0;$x<$kb;$x++){ echo str_pad('', 512, '.'); flush(); } $time_end = explode(" ",microtime()); echo "->"; $start = $time[0] + $time[1]; $finish = $time_end[0] + $time_end[1]; $deltat = $finish - $start; return round($kb / $deltat, 3);\[/code\]While it works, I do not like it to put so many characters into my code also if I echo all this I can not save the result in a cookie because there has already been an output.Could one do something like this in a different file wor something? Do you have any solution?Thanks in advance.