php SoapClient : param not showing up in request


New Member
Why would my param p_oRSMasterFields not be present in the request? Is this request sent back from the soap server, could it be that the server rejects the data for that particular param and just blanks it out? \[code\]$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options); $client->UpdateCustMaster(array('p_iCompanyID' => 100, 'p_lAccountNum' => 18087, 'p_sSysUser' => 'WebTest', 'p_oRSMasterFields' => 'THIS IS A TEST', 'p_lErrorCode' => 0 )); echo "REQUEST:\n" . $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n"; REQUEST:<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1=""><SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:UpdateCustMaster> <ns1:p_iCompanyID>100</ns1:p_iCompanyID> <ns1:p_lAccountNum>18087</ns1:p_lAccountNum> <ns1:p_sSysUser>WebTest</ns1:p_sSysUser> <ns1:p_oRSMasterFields/> <ns1:p_lErrorCode>0</ns1:p_lErrorCode> </ns1:UpdateCustMaster></SOAP-ENV:Body>\[/code\]