I have php code to send email using SMTP connection; It was working perfectly 2 weeks ago. But suddenly stopped working. Don't know what the problem is.\[quote\] SMTP -> ERROR: FAILED TO CONNECT TO SERVER: A CONNECTION ATTEMPT FAILED BECAUSE THE CONNECTED PARTY DID NOT PROPERLY RESPOND AFTER A PERIOD OF TIME, OR ESTABLISHED CONNECTION FAILED BECAUSE CONNECTED HOST HAS FAILED TO RESPOND. (10060) SMTP ERROR: COULD NOT CONNECT TO SMTP HOST.\[/quote\]\[code\]//start mailing functionrequire_once('PHPMailer_v5.1\class.phpmailer.php');$mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP();//MAIL config$mail->SMTPAuth = true;$mail->SMTPDebug = 1;$mail->Host = "localhost"; // set as the SMTP server$mail->Port = 25;$mail->Username = "[email protected]"; // localhost email username$mail->Password = "XXXX"; //End mail config$mail->From = $sender_email;$mail->FromName = $sender_user_name;$mail->Subject = $subject;$mail->MsgHTML($body);$mail->AddAddress($to,$to_name);$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTMLif(!$mail->Send()) {//to see if we return a message or a value bolean echo "<p>Confirmation Mail delivery failed due to invalid email specified !</p>";} \[/code\]