Php Site Search


Now, I'll take you to the readme page so you have an idea as to what I'm working with. At first sight, it looks so ridiculously easy. That is why I am so puzzled about these problems I am having. <br /><a href="" target="_blank">PHP ReadMe</a><br />Step one can be skipped, so I did.<br />Step two I think is where the problems are occurring. (And I have no idea why.)<br /><br />I put the entire web site into a file that is located at c:\Abba Web Page<br />And, I put the script I downloaded for this searcher into a directory called searchsite under public_html. <br /><br />Perhaps I am missing something mundane, but if you wouldn't mind, could someone please point out the obvious to me? <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />Here's the operative lines of my code, which I altered after reading the readme. <br /><br /><!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->// Variables<br /><br />// Set your username and password. Leave blank if you don't want any protection.<br />       $user = "UserName";<br />       $pass = "Password";<br /><br />// The full system path to the files you wish to index. DO NOT include trailing slash.<br />       $file_root = "c:\Abba Web Page";<br /><br />// The URL equivilent of the above. DO NOT include trailing slash.<br />       $http_root = "";<br /><br />// The full system path to the index file.<br />       $index_file = "c:\Abba Web Page\sitesearch\search_index.dat";<br /><br />// The full system path to the file of words to exclude.<br />       $exclude_words = "c:\Abba Web Page\sitesearch\exclude_words.txt";<br /><br />// The full system path to the file of files to exclude.<br />       $exclude_files = "c:\Abba Web Page\sitesearch\exclude_files.txt";<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />I'm up for any and all ideas. And it could be that I simply misunderstood the directions... if so, please point that out. Thanks!<!--content-->
I believe you don't use c:\ format as it points to your hard drive.<br /><br /><br /><br />$file_root = "/home/user/public_html/Abba Web Page";<br /><br />You may want to consider closing up the white spaces in your filename as well<br /><br />Abba_Web_Page, AbbaWebPage, etc.<br /><br />-Ty<!--content-->
Hi,<br /><br />Boxturt is right on the ball here. C: is not used and gaps do not exist. Let us know if you still have problems<br /><br />Jim<!--content-->
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->// The full system path to the files you wish to index. DO NOT include trailing slash.<br />       $file_root = "/home/user/public_html/AbbaWebPage";<br /><br />// The URL equivilent of the above. DO NOT include trailing slash.<br />       $http_root = "";<br /><br />// The full system path to the index file.<br />       $index_file = "/home/user/public_html/AbbaWebPage/sitesearch/search_index.dat";<br /><br />// The full system path to the file of words to exclude.<br />       $exclude_words = "/home/user/public_html/AbbaWebPage/sitesearch/exclude_words.txt";<br /><br />// The full system path to the file of files to exclude.<br />       $exclude_files = "/home/user/public_html/AbbaWebPage/sitesearch/exclude_files.txt";<!--c2--></div><!--ec2--><br /><br />That is what I have changed everything to. I deleted the spaces as you suggested, but it still isn't working when I go through the set up.<!--content-->
"/home/<b>user</b>/public_html/AbbaWebPage";<br /><br />You need to change <b>user</b> to whatever user name was assigned to you when you opened your account. This info would be in your setup email from TCH.<br /><br />Seems like an ok script. I tried it out on a site. Just be careful about the text at the top of each web page that you index. For example - I have (had) a PayPal link with about 4 lines of text begging for donations. So when I got search results the description of each and every page was the "send me money" blurb and not the first 4 lines of page content<br /><br />-Ty.<!--content-->