PHP singleton class structure - Am I doing it right?


New Member
I have a really big script.It has a database class, a base class, a user authentication class, a resellers authentication class, paypal ipn class, a downloads class, and a plugins classThe Base class extends database class like this: \[code\]class Base extends database{ var $userid; var $root; var $config function Base($username, $password, $host, $database) { // Init DB $this -> database($hostname, $database, $username, $password); $this -> config = $this -> fetch(...); // and the code goes on } function anyFunction() { $this -> Downloads -> dloadFunction(); }}class users extends Base{ var $userData; function users() { // initialize user, check if he is logged in, if he has cookies, load the user vars in $this -> userData } function userFunction1() { $this -> anyFunction(); }}class resellers extends Base{ var $resellerData; function resellers() { // initialize resellers, check if he is logged in, if he has cookies, load the user vars in $this -> resellerData }}class IPN extends Base{}class Downloads extends Base{ function dloadFunction() { }}class Plugins extends Downloads{}?>\[/code\]And I call my code like this :\[code\]<?php $Base = new Base($user, $pass, $host, $db); $user = new user(); $Base -> user = $user; $reseller = new reseller(); $Base -> reseller = $reseller; $downloads = new Downloads(); $downloads -> Plugins = new Plugins(); $Base -> Downloads = $downloads; $Base -> users -> updateEmail(); // and the code goes on..?>\[/code\]I think the structure is really bad.Thats why I want to implement singleton can I achieve this ?Please help.