I am getting content of XML using this code:\[code\]$xml = simplexml_load_file("X.xml");echo $xml->CountryList->Country[1];\[/code\]Here is the X.xml:\[code\]<PickUpCityListRQ> <CountryList> <Country>Albania</Country> <Country>Andorra</Country> </CountryList></PickUpCityListRQ>\[/code\]Everything works fine, it returns Andorra for me, but, when I try to use url with special characters, like this one:\[code\]http://somelink/ServiceRequest.do?xml=<PickUpCityListRQ><Credentials username='USERNAME' password='PASSWORD' remoteIp='IP'/><Country>UK</Country></PickUpCityListRQ>\[/code\]This link won't work for you as it just an example, but believe, real link returns the same content as X.xml. I know that the reason of that are special characters in the link, but I can't get it work. I tried something like this:\[code\]$username = "USERNAME";$password = "PASSWORD";$accessurl = htmlspecialchars("Credentials username='$username' password='$password' remoteIp=''/");$required = htmlspecialchars("<PickUpCityListRQ><$accessurl><Country>UK</Country></PickUpCityListRQ>");$url = 'somelink/service/ServiceRequest.do?xml='.$required;echo $url;\[/code\]It returns (with echo) the required link, in case if I use it manualy (in browser) I'll get to the required content. But if I try to get XML content using this code:\[code\]$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);echo $xml->CountryList->Country[1];\[/code\]I won't work.Any ideas?Thank you in advance.