PHP SimpleXml - Retrieving attributes of namespaced children


New Member
I'm parsing an external Atom feed, some entries have a collection of namespaced children - I'm failing to retrieve attributes from those children. Abbreviated example:\[code\]$feed = <<<EOD<feed xmlns="" xmlns:ai=""> <entry> <title>Some Title</title> <ai:image>path/to/some/image</ai:image> <ai:ocurrence dateid="20120622" date="Fri, June 22, 2012" time="6:00 pm" /> <ai:ocurrence dateid="20120720" date="Fri, July 20, 2012" time="6:00 pm" /> </entry></feed>EOD;$xml = new SimpleXmlElement($feed);foreach ($xml->entry as $entry){ echo $entry->title; $namespaces = $entry->getNameSpaces(true); $ai = $entry->children($namespaces['ai']); echo $ai->image; foreach($ai->ocurrence as $o){ echo $o['date']; }}\[/code\]Everything but the attribute retrieval of the namespaced children works fine - if the children's tagnames aren't namespaced, it works fine. If grabbing the node value (rather than an attribute), even if namespaced, it works fine. What am I missing?