Well, I'm trying to write a add friend script and he is working, but when my script (that is in a function) tries to search for $_GET['id'] to see what the id of the profile to make friend request, the script can't find because is a function that is in the profile.php and isn't directly in the file.So I can made if I set the $_GET a session, but if I enter in a user profile and then entre in another and if I try to make a friend request to the first profile, the request is sent to the last one ( that is registered in the session )So how can I make a $_GET "global" ?That's my code:OTHER_PROFILE.PHP\[code\] <?php include_once("includes/head.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/connect/connect.php"); ?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?> <?php get_directory() ?> <?php login_validation() ?> <?php first_login(); ?> <?php count_logins(); ?> <?php get_shortcuts_menu_by_user(); ?> <?php include_once("includes/body.php"); ?> <?php global $userid; global $userid_profilee; $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; $_SESSION['id'] = $_GET['id']; ?> <script src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15869569/alert.js" ></script> <?php other_profile_main_photo(); echo "<br><br>"; ?> <?php include_once("includes/body_begin.php"); ?> <?php echo "<br><br>";?> <?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>\[/code\]FUNCTIONS.PHP (just the function part)\[code\]<?php require_once("/connect/connect.php"); ?><?php require_once("/jquery.php"); ?><?php######### FRIEND REQUEST ########function friend_request_send(){global $db;global $userid;$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];$userid_profilee = $_SESSION['id'];$query_id_requester = "SELECT * FROM friend_requests";$result_set1 = mysql_query($query_id_requester, $db) or die(mysql_error()) ;$query_id_requests = "SELECT friend_requests FROM members WHERE id=\"{$userid_profilee}\" ";$result_set3 = mysql_query($query_id_requests, $db) or die(mysql_error());$query_id_requester_check = "SELECT * FROM friend_requests WHERE user_id=\"{$userid_profilee}\"";$result_set4 = mysql_query($query_id_requester_check, $db);$query_id_user_check = "SELECT * FROM friend_requests WHERE user_id_requester=\"{$userid}\"";$result_set5 = mysql_query($query_id_user_check, $db);## If already exists a friend request do this:if ($id_requests = mysql_fetch_array($result_set3)){if (($id_requester_check = mysql_fetch_array($result_set4)) && ($id_user_check = mysql_fetch_array($result_set5))){echo "Ja fizeste pedido de Amizade!";return ;}else{}}if ($id_requester = mysql_fetch_array($result_set1)){$id_requests_1 = $id_requests['friend_requests'] + 1;mysql_query("UPDATE members SET friend_requests=\"{$id_requests_1}\" WHERE id=\"{$userid_profilee}\"");mysql_query("INSERT INTO friend_requests (user_id, user_id_requester) VALUES (\"{$userid_profilee}\", \"{$userid}\")");echo "<div class=\"nNote nSuccess hideit\"> <p><strong>SUCCESS: </strong>Pedido de Amizade enviado com sucesso!</p> </div>";}else{echo "Pedido de Amizade nao enviado!";}} \[/code\]