Php session variable bug

There is a problem with session variables in my web-application. I have several types of documents, when user want to edit it, he pushes a button and php record number of document to $_SESSION['patent_number'] via GET method. All fine when launch application. I test it with 2 documents with 2 different numbers. In the begining all works fine, but then it seems that session variable is not changed and i see document with another number.When user click "Edit" button, he sends a document number to patent_load.php, and it's always correct loading:\[code\]var patent_number=$(this).val();$('#user_input_text').load('pages/patent/patent_load.php?section=patent_claims&patent_number='+patent_number);\[/code\]But when i click to the section of document from menu, there appears old session number:\[code\]$('#user_input_text').load('pages/patent/patent_load.php?section=patent_claims');\[/code\]Here is a patent_load.php:\[code\]session_start();session_regenerate_id();if (isset($_SESSION['id'])){ $db=new mysqli('X','X','X','X'); $db->set_charset("utf8"); $section=$_GET['section']; if(isset($_GET['patent_number'])){ $number=$_GET['patent_number']; $_SESSION['patent_number']=$number; echo 'get is set'; } $patent_number=$_SESSION['patent_number']; $query="select $section from new_patent_document where patent_number='$patent_number'"; $result=$db->query($query); $row=$result->fetch_assoc(); echo $patent_number.', '; echo $row[$section];\[/code\]Any ideas how can i solve it and why session variable isn't updated.Thanks in advance.