PHP Search Array Question


New Member
I need to have an \[code\]array_search\[/code\] search my array strictly making sure that the item is identical (meaning the whole thing is the same thing as the input value). I know about the third variable in a \[code\]array_search()\[/code\] function in PHP - the Strict one, but I don't want it to check if its the same instance, as it is not. How would I do this?Here is the code I'm currently using:\[code\]array_search(some, array(someItem,anothervariable, yetanothervariable, some)); //output - 0 (the first item) which contains some but isn't exactly some.\[/code\]Requested output:Instead of outputting the first item that contains some, someItem, it would output the key for the last item, 3, that is the exact search value.