New Member
I was working on a fairly long script that seemed to stop running after about 20 minutes. After days of trying to figure out why, I decided to make a very simple script to see how long it would run without any complex code to confuse me.I found that the same thing was happening with this simple infinite loop. At some point between 15 and 25 minutes of running, it simply stopped. There is no error output at all. The bottom of the browser simply says "Done" and nothing else is processed.I've been over every single possible thing I could think of... set_time_limit, session.gc_maxlifetime in the php.ini as well as memory_limit and max_execution_time.The point that the script is stopped is never consistent. Sometimes it will stop at 15 minutes, sometimes 22 minutes, sometimes 17... But it's always long enough to be a PITA to test.Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.It is hosted on a 1and1 server. I contacted them and they couldn't help me... but I have a feeling they just didn't know enough.