PHP <script language=&ldquo;php&rdquo;> tags


New Member
Are there any caveats one should be aware of when using the alternative PHP tags:\[code\]<script language="php"> // ...</script>\[/code\]I've tested in 5.2.X through 5.4.X with no issues, however I cannot find exhaustive information on the topic. My greatest concern is sudden deprecation. Any information about support for this alternative would be great.To answer those asking "Why the heck do you want to use that anyways?", I'm using PHP in XML files, where the surrounding XML acts as meta-data to the script contained therein. Unfortunately, XSD cannot validate processing instruction nodes, er go, using an element tag to wrap the PHP would simplify the validation process. This would keep the semantic value.As it stands I need to validate against the XSD, and perform a post-validation sweep using XPath to check for processing instruction nodes.