hi there,
Im a total php3 newbie, and i would like some assistance. please?
Ok lets begin at the beginning.
Goal:To be able to insert a link on my local intranet, to a directory somewhere else on the network, if the links is pressed, you will go to a directory, and the content of the directory is shown, wich contains shortcuts to programs stored on the network.<---this part works, without any script.
BUT, when the link is pressed al the icons are totally de-arranged, now i want a script wich tells the clients computer that the icons have to be arranged in alphabetic order.
So i Download ed a script PHP3, wich does this: (this is the readme file that came along)
Dynapic SE - dynamic image galleries
version 1.5 stable (read the disclaimer in the end of this file)
A PHP-driven image gallery
1) doesn't require a database
2) unlimited number of thumbnail galleries
3) customisable appearance
4) generates dynamically the galleries
5) prints the NEXT/PREV links
6) easy configuration
7) SE - prints the NEXT/PREV picture links AND thumbnails (SE means Slow Edition)
8) supports JPEG files by default (read HOW TO ADD TYPES)
PHP3 / web server
was tested on:
Win98/PHP 4/Apache 1.3.6
FreeBSD/PHP 3.0.13/MySQL 3.22/Apache 1.3.9
1) unpack
OK, you have unpacked it, the files you'll find:
index.php3 - the script which generates the thumbnail galleries
view.php3 - the script which shows the large view
conf.inc - the configuration file
2) copy those files to the server in a separate directory, for example /dynapic/
3) configure the conf.php3 file
$col=4; - the number of columns to be displayed
$row=3; - the number of rows to be displayed
$title[0]="Summer holidays"; - the title of the gallery
$dir[0]="/home/youtserverpath/holidays"; - the PATH to the pictures of the first gallery
$picurl[0]="http://www.yourserver.com/holidays"; - the URL to the pictures of the first gallery
$tndir[0]="http://www.yourserver.com/holidays/tn"; - the URL to the pictures of the first gallery
//$title[1]="Winter holidays"; - the title of the 2nd gallery
//$dir[1]="/home/youtserverpath/winter"; - the PATH to the pictures of the 2nd gallery
4) make sure you have uploaded the thumbnails and the pictures to the appropriate locations.
5) make the necessary links in your pages
for example, the URL to /dynapic/ is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/">http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/</a><!-- m -->
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/">My photos</a>
the user will see the list of the galleries
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/?gal=1">My photos</a>
the user will see the first page of the 2nd gallery
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/?gal=1&pg=4">My photos</a>
the user will see the fifth page of the second gallery
6) that's all
how to add pictures:
just upload them, with the thumbnails.
WARNING ! The thumbnail must have the same name as the big image (file names are CASE SENSITIVE).
To make the thumbnails, I recommend IrfanView (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.irfanview.com/">http://www.irfanview.com/</a><!-- m -->) - it has a very powerful batch conversion feature.
how to add file types
in index.php3 find this line:
if (eregi("jpg$",$file)){
replace jpg$ by any extension you want
for multiple types support replace jpg$ by (jpg|gif|png|jpeg)$
beware, that the thumbnails must have the same extensions
This software is distributed AS IS under the terms of the GPL licence. By using this software you agree to the terms of the licence (such as: not to change this disclaimer, to dustribute freely the source code, NOT to compile it or ask fees for this software and blah, blah, blah.)
Dynapic site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tourbase.ru/zink">http://www.tourbase.ru/zink</a><!-- m -->
author: Mike Baikov (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)
So i try to do so, i fill in the conf.php3
like this:
$title[0]="Algemene Software";(this is the title i want to give the page)
$dir[0]="/update/algemene software";(this is the path to the directory were the shortcuts to the programs are located)
$tndir[0](this is the url to the html file i want this all to be openened in)="http://tvdnlam75/vdi2001/algemenesoftware";(the same)
// you can add more in a similar way
what the heck am i doing wrong, when i go to \\tvdnlam75\vdi2001\dynapic\index.php3 i get nothing but this in my screen.
$i-1) {break;}; for ($c=1; $c<=$col; $c++) { $tnpath=$tndir[$gal]."/".$folder[$count]; print " "; $count++; if ($count>$i-1) {break;}; } ; print " "; } ; print "
"; if ($pg>0) { $tmp=$pg-1;; print "" ; }; $tmp=$pg+1; print " "; if ($tmp*$row*$col<$i) { $tmp=$pg+1; print "" ; }; $pages=floor($i/($row*$col)); $locstring="
"; for($i=0;$i<=$pages;$i++){ $pnum=$i+1; $locstring.="$pnum "; }; $locstring.="
"; print $locstring; }; include "bannerbot.php3"; ?>
so what im doing wrong?Did you check if your server is setup to run PHP scripts?i have checked my IIS and i didnt see any php/php3 mappings, were do i find the program, that executes that script?
once again, i am so gratefull that your helping me out, it is verry verry much apreciated.
greetings,You could Download newest version of PHP at php.com it included phpmanual files
GoodluckDownload PHP 4.0.5 here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net/do_Download">http://www.php.net/do_Download</a><!-- m --> .php?Download _file=php-4.0.5.tar.gz&source_site=www.php.net
BTW it is PHP.net, not PHP.com. PHP.com is Parents helping Parents.
Im a total php3 newbie, and i would like some assistance. please?
Ok lets begin at the beginning.
Goal:To be able to insert a link on my local intranet, to a directory somewhere else on the network, if the links is pressed, you will go to a directory, and the content of the directory is shown, wich contains shortcuts to programs stored on the network.<---this part works, without any script.
BUT, when the link is pressed al the icons are totally de-arranged, now i want a script wich tells the clients computer that the icons have to be arranged in alphabetic order.
So i Download ed a script PHP3, wich does this: (this is the readme file that came along)
Dynapic SE - dynamic image galleries
version 1.5 stable (read the disclaimer in the end of this file)
A PHP-driven image gallery
1) doesn't require a database
2) unlimited number of thumbnail galleries
3) customisable appearance
4) generates dynamically the galleries
5) prints the NEXT/PREV links
6) easy configuration
7) SE - prints the NEXT/PREV picture links AND thumbnails (SE means Slow Edition)
8) supports JPEG files by default (read HOW TO ADD TYPES)
PHP3 / web server
was tested on:
Win98/PHP 4/Apache 1.3.6
FreeBSD/PHP 3.0.13/MySQL 3.22/Apache 1.3.9
1) unpack
OK, you have unpacked it, the files you'll find:
index.php3 - the script which generates the thumbnail galleries
view.php3 - the script which shows the large view
conf.inc - the configuration file
2) copy those files to the server in a separate directory, for example /dynapic/
3) configure the conf.php3 file
$col=4; - the number of columns to be displayed
$row=3; - the number of rows to be displayed
$title[0]="Summer holidays"; - the title of the gallery
$dir[0]="/home/youtserverpath/holidays"; - the PATH to the pictures of the first gallery
$picurl[0]="http://www.yourserver.com/holidays"; - the URL to the pictures of the first gallery
$tndir[0]="http://www.yourserver.com/holidays/tn"; - the URL to the pictures of the first gallery
//$title[1]="Winter holidays"; - the title of the 2nd gallery
//$dir[1]="/home/youtserverpath/winter"; - the PATH to the pictures of the 2nd gallery
4) make sure you have uploaded the thumbnails and the pictures to the appropriate locations.
5) make the necessary links in your pages
for example, the URL to /dynapic/ is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/">http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/</a><!-- m -->
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/">My photos</a>
the user will see the list of the galleries
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/?gal=1">My photos</a>
the user will see the first page of the 2nd gallery
if you make this link:
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.foo.com/user/dynapic/?gal=1&pg=4">My photos</a>
the user will see the fifth page of the second gallery
6) that's all
how to add pictures:
just upload them, with the thumbnails.
WARNING ! The thumbnail must have the same name as the big image (file names are CASE SENSITIVE).
To make the thumbnails, I recommend IrfanView (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.irfanview.com/">http://www.irfanview.com/</a><!-- m -->) - it has a very powerful batch conversion feature.
how to add file types
in index.php3 find this line:
if (eregi("jpg$",$file)){
replace jpg$ by any extension you want
for multiple types support replace jpg$ by (jpg|gif|png|jpeg)$
beware, that the thumbnails must have the same extensions
This software is distributed AS IS under the terms of the GPL licence. By using this software you agree to the terms of the licence (such as: not to change this disclaimer, to dustribute freely the source code, NOT to compile it or ask fees for this software and blah, blah, blah.)
Dynapic site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tourbase.ru/zink">http://www.tourbase.ru/zink</a><!-- m -->
author: Mike Baikov (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->)
So i try to do so, i fill in the conf.php3
like this:
$title[0]="Algemene Software";(this is the title i want to give the page)
$dir[0]="/update/algemene software";(this is the path to the directory were the shortcuts to the programs are located)
$tndir[0](this is the url to the html file i want this all to be openened in)="http://tvdnlam75/vdi2001/algemenesoftware";(the same)
// you can add more in a similar way
what the heck am i doing wrong, when i go to \\tvdnlam75\vdi2001\dynapic\index.php3 i get nothing but this in my screen.
$i-1) {break;}; for ($c=1; $c<=$col; $c++) { $tnpath=$tndir[$gal]."/".$folder[$count]; print " "; $count++; if ($count>$i-1) {break;}; } ; print " "; } ; print "
"; if ($pg>0) { $tmp=$pg-1;; print "" ; }; $tmp=$pg+1; print " "; if ($tmp*$row*$col<$i) { $tmp=$pg+1; print "" ; }; $pages=floor($i/($row*$col)); $locstring="
"; for($i=0;$i<=$pages;$i++){ $pnum=$i+1; $locstring.="$pnum "; }; $locstring.="
"; print $locstring; }; include "bannerbot.php3"; ?>
so what im doing wrong?Did you check if your server is setup to run PHP scripts?i have checked my IIS and i didnt see any php/php3 mappings, were do i find the program, that executes that script?
once again, i am so gratefull that your helping me out, it is verry verry much apreciated.
greetings,You could Download newest version of PHP at php.com it included phpmanual files
GoodluckDownload PHP 4.0.5 here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net/do_Download">http://www.php.net/do_Download</a><!-- m --> .php?Download _file=php-4.0.5.tar.gz&source_site=www.php.net
BTW it is PHP.net, not PHP.com. PHP.com is Parents helping Parents.