php script crashing apache


New Member
This script crashes apache. I removed url on purpose. Can anyone take a look and offer alternatives? Thanks!\[code\]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script><script language="javascript">$(document).ready(function () { $("#btn_Start").attr("disabled",false); setTimeout(function(){Doextract();},2000); });function Doextract(){ if($("#stop").val() == "1") { $("#btn_Start").attr("disabled",true); window.location.reload(); }}function stop(){ if($("#stop").val() == "1") { $("#stop").val("0"); $("#btn_Start").val("Start"); } else { $("#stop").val("1"); $("#btn_Start").val("Stop"); $("#btn_Start").attr("disabled",true); window.location.reload(); }}</script></head><body><input type="hidden" value="" id="stop" /><input type="button" value=" citys" id="btn_Start" onclick="stop();" /></div><div id="showResult"></div> <?php set_time_limit(0);ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');$url = "";include_once 'simple_html_dom.php'; include_once 'conn.php';$id = $_GET['id'];$sql = "select * from page_category where category_tag = 0 and city_id = '".$id."' LIMIT 0 , 1";$rst = mysql_query("$sql",$link);if($rst > 0){ $details = mysql_fetch_row($rst); $cateid = $details[0]; $count = mysql_num_rows($rst); $html = file_get_html($url.$details[3]); $sql = "delete from page_data where category_id =".$cateid; $rst = mysql_query("$sql",$link); foreach ($html->find('input#search-find') as $e) { $categoryname = $e->value; } foreach ($html->find('div#toolbar-top') as $e) { foreach ($e->find('strong') as $c) { $temp = split('b',$c->plaintext); $total = $temp[0]; $pages = $total/25; //echo $total."<br>"; //echo $pages; } } $j = 1; //echo $pages; for($i=1;$i<=ceil($pages);$i+1) { $urls = $url.$details[3]."?page=".$i; //echo $urls; $html = file_get_html($urls); foreach ($html->find('div.description') as $e) { $name = ""; foreach ($e->find('h2') as $c) { $name = $c->plaintext; } $address = ""; foreach ($e->find('span.street-address') as $c) { $address = $c->plaintext; } $locality =""; foreach ($e->find('span.locality') as $c) { $locality = $c->plaintext; } $region =""; foreach ($e->find('span.region') as $c) { $region = $c->plaintext; } $code =""; foreach ($e->find('span.postal-code') as $c) { $code = $c->plaintext; } $tel =""; foreach ($e->find('li.number') as $c) { $tel = str_replace('(','',$c->plaintext); $tel1 = str_replace(')','',$tel); $tel2 = str_replace('-','',$tel1); $tel3 = str_replace(' ','',$tel2); } $email = ""; foreach ($e->find('') as $c) { $email = str_replace('mailto:','',$c->href); } $sql="insert into page_data (category_id,name,category,address,city,state,postalcode,telnumber,email) values "; $sql.="(".$cateid.",'".$name."','".$categoryname."','".$address."','".$locality."','".$region."','".$code."','".$tel3."','".$email."')"; //echo $sql; $res = mysql_query("$sql",$link); } } $sql = "update page_category set category_tag = 1 where id ='".$cateid."'"; //echo $sql; $res = mysql_query("$sql",$link) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Category: \"".$details[2]."\" is done!";}else { echo "All categories are done!"; //$sql = "update page_city set city_tag = 2 where id =".$id; //$rst = mysql_query("$sql",$link);} ?></body></html>\[/code\]