ok i have posted this question 2 times none worked i re scripted it and now im having more problems heres my code.on the first page \[code\]<?php$host="XXXX"; // Host name $username="XXXX"; // Mysql username $password="XXXX"; // Mysql password $db_name="XXXX"; // Database name $tbl_name="XXXX"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database.mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");// select record from mysql $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name order by id desc";$result=mysql_query($sql);?><table background='images/view.png' width='50%'><tr><th align='center'>Post #</th><th align='center'>Submition By</th><th align='center'>ScreenName</th><th align='center'>Password</th><th align='center'>Does This Work?</th><th align='center'>Vote</th></tr><tr><th align='center'><hr color='lime' width='100%'/></th><th align='center'><hr color='lime' width='100%'/></th><th align='center'><hr color='lime' width='100%'/></th><th align='center'><hr color='lime' width='100%'/></th><th align='center'><hr color='gold' width='100%'/></th><th align='center'><hr color='gold' width='100%'/></th></tr><?phpwhile($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){?><tr><td background='transparent' align='center'><i><b><? echo $rows['id']; ?> </b></i></td><td background='transparent' align='center'><i><b><? echo $rows['yname']; ?> </b></i> </td><td background='transparent' align='center'><i><b><? echo $rows['username']; ?></b></i></td><td background='transparent' align='center'><i><b><? echo $rows['password']; ?></b></i></td><td background='transparent' align='center'><i><b><? echo $rows['works']; ?>% Yes <font color='transparent'>||||</font> <? echo $rows['dworks']; ?>% No</b></i><td background='transpatent' align='center'><i><b><a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051650/works.php?id=<? echo $rows['id']; ?>'><img src='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051650/images/ThumbsUp.png' height='30' width='30'> </a> <a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051650/dworks.php?id=<? echo $rows['id']; ?>'><img src='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051650/images/ThumbsDown.png' height='30' width='30'></a></td> </tr><?php// close while loop }?><?php// close connection; mysql_close();?></table>\[/code\]im not sure if this page is part of the problem yet...here is the second page \[code\]<?php$host="XXXX"; // Host name $username="XXXX"; // Mysql username $password="XXXX"; // Mysql password $db_name="XXXX"; // Database name $tbl_name="XXXX"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database.mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");// get value of id that sent from address bar$id=$_GET['id'];// Retrieve data from database $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE id='$id'";$result=mysql_query($sql);$rows=mysql_fetch_array($result);?><?php$host="XXXX"; // Host name $username="XXXX"; // Mysql username $password="XXXX"; // Mysql password $db_name="XXXX"; // Database name $tbl_name="XXXX"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database.mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");// update data in mysql database $sql="UPDATE `$host`.`$username` SET `works` = `works` + 1 WHERE `$db_name`.`id` = '".$id."'";$result=mysql_query($sql);// if successfully updated. if($result){echo "Successful";echo "<BR>";echo "<a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14051650/list_records.php'>View result</a>";}else {echo "ERROR";}?>\[/code\]im getting the error on my custom error page and i dont know why .. im trying to make it add +1 to a collum on my table named works the default value is 0 and i cant get it to add +1 say the value is 1 and someone clicks the image link the value changes to 2 adn another click it goes to 3 so on and so forth yes this is real mysql login information this is not my perm site its just to test my code to put on my real site so i dont care sharing that