PHP on Plesk - Can't see absolute directories


New Member
I have PHP installed on a web server administered by Plesk. I am having some PHP include_path problems which I have narrowed down to absolute paths apparently not working.So, if I try to do a directory listing, the following works:\[code\]echo "<h3>Directory listing of .</h3>";foreach (new DirectoryIterator('.') as $fileInfo) { if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue; echo $fileInfo->getFilename() . "<br>\n";};\[/code\]But this gives no output. (There are files there).\[code\]echo "<h3>Directory listing of /var/www</h3>";foreach (new DirectoryIterator('/var/www') as $fileInfo) { if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue; echo $fileInfo->getFilename() . "<br>\n";};\[/code\]Output:\[code\]Directory listing of ..htaccessindex.phptry.phpDirectory listing of /var/www\[/code\]Any ideas?