Thank you guys, worked it out, turns out it was in the js a word wasn't spelled correctly, always something simpleThis is my script to write data to my database on my local server, it currently only writes to 2 fields, not the alias one, have I done anything wrong? I've triple checked the names in both the html form and the database field.\[code\]<?php // 1. Create connection to database mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die('Could not connect to mysql: <hr>'.mysql_error()); // 2. Select database mysql_select_db("trialdb") or die('Could not connect to database:<hr>'.mysql_error()); // 3. Assign variables (after connection as required by escape string)$alias = $_POST['alias'];$name = $_POST['name'];$email = $_POST['email']; // 4. Insert data into table mysql_query("INSERT INTO user_data (alias, name, email) VALUES ('$alias', '$name', '$email')"); Echo 'Your information has been successfully added to the database.'; print_r($_POST); mysql_close()?>\[/code\]