I am fairly new at php and I have been trying to insert a series of variables into a mysql database. However, it seems that while the table is being created the data isn't getting entered into the table. I was hoping that someone could tell me why. Any help would be much appreciated.The php code:\[code\]<?php$team = $_POST['team'];$int1 = $_POST['int1'];$int2 = $_POST['int2'];$int3 = $_POST['int3'];$int4 = $_POST['int4'];$int5 = $_POST['int5'];$int6 = $_POST['int6'];$int7 = $_POST['int7'];$int8 = $_POST['int8'];$int9 = $_POST['int9'];$int10 = $_POST['int10'];$int11 = $_POST['int11'];$int12 = $_POST['int12'];$int13 = $_POST['int13'];$int14 = $_POST['int14'];$con=mysqli_connect("","root","password","my_db");// Check connectionif (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); }$sqli="CREATE TABLE $team(int1 INT,int2 INT,int3 INT,int4 INT,int5 INT,int6 INT,int7 INT,int8 INT,int9 INT,int10 INT,int11 INT,int12 INT,int13 INT,int14 INT)";if (mysqli_query($con,$sqli)) { echo "<br />Table created successfully"; }else { echo "<br />Error creating table: " . mysqli_error(); }$sql="INSERT INTO $team (int1, int2 ,int3 ,int4 ,int5 ,int6 ,int7 ,int8 ,int9 ,int10 ,int11 ,int12 ,int13 ,int14 )VALUES ($int1,$int2,$int3,$int4,$int5,$int6,$int7,$int8,$int9,$int10,$int11,$int12,$int13,$int14)";if (mysqli_query($con,$sql)) { echo "<br />Record added"; }else { echo "<br />Error adding record"; }?>\[/code\]