PHP/Mysql to pull 5 related stories


New Member
We add tags to our news posts (we use our own CMS), and I'd like to pull 5 related stories depending on what tags are used for an individual story. We have tags in the database seperated by spaces, so I use this code to get the tags into an array \[code\]$tags = explode(" ", $tags);\[/code\]Now that we have the tags in an array, I want to use them to pull related stories from the database. \[code\]foreach($tags as $t) { $pullRelated = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `tags` LIKE '%$t%' AND `newsID` != '$newsID' LIMIT 5");\[/code\]The problem with this is that if there are 3 tags, it'll show 15 related stories (5 for each tag). What I'd like is if there are 2, 3, 4 or 5 tags, show a mix of stories from all tags, but still only show 5 stories. Advice?