PHP/Mysql Search - Case sensitive


New Member
Im using the following PHP and MySql to fetch rows from a table,\[code\]$search_word=$_GET['search_word'];$search_word_new=mysql_escape_string($search_word);$search_word_fix=str_replace(" ","%",$search_word_new);$sql=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tweets WHERE content LIKE '%$search_word_fix%' ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT 20");\[/code\]The 'content' field is a TEXT field containing tweets.The problem I have is if I search '*S*tackoverflow' I get all the results containing 'Stackoverflow' but no results when the text is '*s*tackoverflow'. Basically the search is case sensitive.Is it possible to change the query or PHP so when searching for 'Stackoverflow' both upper and lower case results are returned?