PHP / MySQL formatinng: An example of how this type of data is used?


New Member
Sorry in advance for the kind of odd/vague question :). I've come across this kind of formatting stored in MySQL databases on several occasions now and I'm wondering how the data is used? For example, this line of code was from the bbPress forums plugin bb_message. a:8:{s:9:"max_inbox";i:50;s:13:"auto_add_link";b:1;s:9:"email_new";b:1;s:11:"email_reply";b:1;s:9:"email_add";b:1;s:13:"email_message";b:0;s:16:"threads_per_page";i:0;s:7:"version";s:3:"1.0";}What's up with the characters and letters? For example I'm guessing s:9:"max_inbox" refers to a string of nine characters and the string is max_inbox. But how is this data manipulated with PHP (and why would the s:9 be necessary) when its pulled from the database?Thanks all!