PHP/MySQL editing database and calling values


New Member
I've done some work with PHP/MySQL in the past but not huge amounts. This should be a fairly simple problem I would have thought.I have a table called 'user' inside which there are columns called 'id' (primary key), 'name', 'room', 'subject, and 'fb' (facebook profile URL). I need to add values to each of these eg.\[code\]id: 1name: bobroom: B4subject: mathsfb:\[/code\]I then need to search all values in PHP based on a particular room eg.\[code\]if (room called B4 exists) {$name = name;$room = room;$subject = subject;$fb = fb;echo $name;}\[/code\]Sorry if I'm asking for too much guidance, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could clear it up for me somewhat.Thanks!