PHP: MYSQL-based session sharing on different machine


New Member
I have an app sits on machine A ( and same apps sits on machine B (, these two machines are connected to same MYSQL database which has session table on it.I've implemented my own session handler so it saves to the database instead of saving it to the files and this works fine.My question is, how do I access an exact session ID that is created on machine A from machine B?I have these setup on my init script for both machines:\[code\]ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", "288000"); ini_set("session.cookie_lifetime", "288000");ini_set("session.save_handler", "user"); session_set_cookie_params( 0, "/", "", false, false);session_cache_expire(288000);\[/code\]The problem I'm getting is that the machine B keeps creating a new session on the table and when I tried to set the session ID on machine B using \[code\]session_id( $_GET["sessId"] )\[/code\] it's overriding the value that's been created by the machine A.The question is, how do I tell machine B to use the session ID that is created by machine A and get the data from the table?I thought this is going to be automatic since I've called \[code\]session_set_cookie_params( 0, "/", "", false, false);\[/code\]Any help would be fantastic