php mkdir() chmod and permissions


New Member
i was using this basic script:\[code\]$folderPath = "../path/to/$folder/";mkdir("$folderPath");\[/code\]i create this directory and then upload photos to it. I've been doing this for a good 4-5 months now and suddenly i start getting 'FORBIDDEN' errors when I attempt to view the contents of the folder via web browserThe directory is being created the same and the photos are still uploading without a problem, but I cannot access the photosI tried rewriting the script and using chmod to change the permissions but I'm having no luck at allAll the older folders were being created with: -w- rwx r-x r-xand I can't get this recreatedI've tried adding a chmod line into my script:\[code\]$folderPath = "../sales/inventory/$folder/";mkdir("$folderPath");chmod("$folderPath", 0755);\[/code\]but I can't recreate the same permissions, I'm trying to understand how chmod works, but I can't figure out how to get this very basic function working properly again