I have this mailinglist. i can upload it, and i can wath the Index php. when i try tybe in a mail in the subscribe box. i get you have succesfully subscibed the mail.. Great i think. But then i try go in the admin sketion. And se the User list. But there is no mails. Why i cant se any of the ppl that have subscibed there mails.how are you saving the emails? database? flat file?It is an NGC mailling list from hotscripts.com if that whould help!!did you set it up correctly?
you probably don't have the correct permissions on the files so it can write to it.
sounds like you need to talk to the creator of the script to see why it doesn't work.
you probably don't have the correct permissions on the files so it can write to it.
sounds like you need to talk to the creator of the script to see why it doesn't work.