I've been working on this single problem all day and I can not make light of it, so thought I'd ask the seasoned professionals!Essentially, if I remove the XML connecting lines (first four at the top), my "INSERT INTO" statements work (using static values), if I don't remove them I get no error message from MySQL / PHP.... they simply do not work.The database is all set to accept nulls (temporarily) on all fields, and they're all VARCHAR for now... just until I can figure out what is going on.The XML feed seems to connect without a problem, as the page takes ages to load and when I ECHO the output, all the correct values are coming in.The biggest thing to note is that when I echo the INSERT INTO command, then copy and paste it into PHP My Admin... the actual insert line works perfectly fine... just when the XML is turned on; it doesn't work.Does anyone know why I can not seem to use:\[code\]$result = mysqli_query($cxn, $query);\[/code\]After an XML feed has been connected to?\[code\]$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'Accept: application/xml')));$url = "https://thedatastream.xml";$xml = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);foreach ($xml->row as $item) { $count++; $partNumber = strval(escape($item->PartNumber)); $partName = strval(escape($item->Name)); $partBrand = strval(escape($item->Manufacturer)); $partCategory = strval(escape($item->CategoryName)); $partGroup = strval(escape($item->Group)); $partQty = intval(escape($item->Quantity)); $partCostEx = floatval(escape($item->PriceCostEx)); $partRetailEx = floatval(escape($item->PriceRetailEx)); $partDesc = strval(escape($item->Description)); $partHTMLDesc = strval(escape($item->HTMLDescription)); $partImg = strval($item->image_large); $partPDF = strval($item->PDFURL); $partUpdated = strval(escape($item->StockRecordUpdated)); $partETA = strval($item->ETADate); $partETAStatus = strval($item->ETAStatus); $count++; $query15 = "INSERT INTO `downloadTbl` (`partNumber`, `partName`, `Manufacturer`, `CategoryName`, `Group`, `Unit`, `PriceCostEx`, `PriceRetailEx`, `Description`, `HTMLDescription`, `image_large`, `PDFURL`, `StockRecordUpdated`, `ETADate`, `ETAStatus`) VALUES ('".$partNumber."', '".$partName."', '".$partBrand."', '".$partCategory."', '".$partGroup."', '".$partQty."', '".$partCostEx."', '".$partRetailEx."', '".$partDesc."', '".$partHTMLDesc."', '".$partImg."', '".$partPDF."', '".$partUpdated."', '".$partETA."', '".$partETAStatus."')";}$result15 = mysqli_query($cxn, $query15);\[/code\]