I'm having trouble with some Javascript, and hopefully someone may be able to help!First, here is the code:\[code\]function Client_Selected() { var temp = $("input:radio[name='selected_client']:checked").val(); var f_input_name = "fname_" + temp; var l_input_name = "lname_" + temp; var first = $("input[name='"+f_input_name+"']").val(); var last = $("input[name='"+l_input_name+"']").val(); var content = first + " " + last; var thispage = $("input[name='current_page']").val(); // Now Load the Notes!!! dataString = 'web_id='+temp+'&Section='+thispage; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?=URL_SSL_WEBSITE_ROOT?>/notes/loadClientNotesAJAX", data: dataString, success: function(msg) { $("#notes_body").html(msg); $("#note_client_name").html(content); } }); $("#button_client_name").html(content); $("#note_client_name").html(content); $("input:radio[name=selected_client]:checked").attr(checked, true);};\[/code\]My problem is with the last line. What's going on, is I have a list of clients who are associated with a radio button, when a button is clicked I make an AJAX call to get/display information about the client. If the last line is not present, then when I select a second client, it loads the information but the new client's radio button does not stay checked and instead the previous (or first) selected clients radio button remains checked.With the last line I get an error of: "checked is undefined"despite the error everything worked and the appropriate checkbox remained checked. However, with the new update to firefox yesterday ... the appropriate checkbox remains checked, though my success function never runs on the ajax call, and the javascript simply stops on the last line. It still works in IE, but I need to get this working again in firefox.Any Ideas?I've tried changing it to:$("input:radio[name=selected_client]:checked").attr('checked', true);Which then the success function runs, and the information is populated on my webpage, however I then get the problem of the newly selected checkbox NOT remaining checked and the previous one remains checked.Any Help is much appreciated.Thanks