PHP/JAVASCRIPT compare values in array


New Member
I have some javascript that lets user select items from one bucket and move to a second bucket. The first bucket are possible choices minus those selected. The second bucket is the selection and each item gets a row in the table. The second time a user does this, however, I would like to save as follows: If the selection is new, add a new record. If a selection has been deleted, delete the old record. If the selection is unchanged, leave it unchanged.Concrete example.
At beginning1,4,5 in first bucket2,3 in second bucket
(This implies someone previously selected 2 and 3. Rows exist for 2 and 3 in a table.After selection1,2,5 in first bucket3,4 in second bucket.(The users has kept 3 in the 2nd bucket, but dropped 2 and added four. I want to keep row for 3, delete row 2 and add new row4.Someone suggested I use JS to figure out what rows to keep, add or delete, but this has proven beyond my limited JS abilities.Conceptuatlly would imagine it would be something like (pseudocode)...\[code\]var 2array = 3,4;var 1array = 2,3;var addarray = "";var delarray = "";foreach val as 2array{if val in 1array { //ignore }else{addarray = addarray+val}}for each val as 1array {if val in 2array {ignore}else {del array =delarray+val}}\[/code\]or something to that effect. Thanks for any suggestions!