php inner join delete not working


New Member
Hi I am trying to delete a patient record and any appointments associated with their Patient ID at the same time but neither are working, could someone please tell me where I am going wrong?My code is:\[code\]<?phpinclude("includes/staffmenu.php");include("includes/staffsession.php");@require_once("includes/");$patid = $_GET['patid'];$patientname = mysql_query("SELECT * From patient WHERE Patient_ID=$patid"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($patientname)) { $pfname=$row['Patient_First_Name']; $pmname=$row['Patient_Middle_Name']; $psname=$row['Patient_Surname']; } echo "<h1>Success $pfname $pmname $psname (Patient ID: $patid) has been removed from our database, along with any appointments in their name</h1>"; mysql_query("DELETE FROM appointment, patient USING patient INNER JOIN appointment ON (patient.Patient_ID = appointment.Patient_ID) WHERE patient.Patient_ID='$patid'"); ?>\[/code\]it definately get's the patient ID because the name of patient ID echo fine...