php.ini issue


I am currently running php5 with apache on a windows 2003 Enterprise server. When a person attempts to email me through my website the following error message appears:
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in c:\wamp\www\sendmail2.php on line 260

Cannot send mail...

I have attempted to resovle the issue many times, but still no luck. My server is allowed to send and recieve emails via pop3/smtp. The problem only occurs when I am emailed through the contact us page. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Can anyone suggest and possiable solutions? I thank you in advance your help.

robIf you can't edit php.ini then you can set sendmail_from from with the ini_set function. Otherwise edit the ini.I can edit the php.ini so that is no the problem. Again the problem is that I get an error message that is stated above when a client attempts to send and email via my webpage. But thank you for your helpI can edit the php.ini so that is no the problem.
Then open it up and edit it apropriately. The php.ini file is commented very well.