PHP ini file and session deletion


New Member
Posted a question about an error I was getting the over day about Memory exceed when handling an image resize. Managed to solve the problem with a local php.ini file and setting\[code\]
upload_max_filesize = 5Mpost_max_size = 5Mmemory_limit = 64M\[/code\]Now I realised I have a whole new problem :)If I access a php file in the directoy with my custom local php.ini, it will override the original andremove all my $_SESSION'sIf I remove the local php.ini, it doesnt remove my sessions but then the image resize gives me a memory limit exceed error.Any ideas? Can i set a php.ini (local) to just override the 3 parameters I want?Thanks in advance,P.s. tried setting it through CPANEL on tweak php.ini but those values seemed to be ignored.[b]Result[/b]Had to contact tech support and they had to manually update my ini files.