Php -> Imap Fucntions


I was messing with the php imap functions just for fun today..and i was wondering if there was a way to access the attachments on the emails. I didn't see a function that was capabable of doing this. Does anyone know of one? Also, whats the most efficient way to list all emails in the inbox... imap_headers works fine but not sure if that was the most efficient. You know, w/o downloading the message...just the subject and from headers. <br /><br />Thanks for any help,<br />Dave<!--content-->
Hi Dave.<br /><br />I believe imap_headers only returns the headers, not the actual message contents.<br /><br />As for the attachments, I don't think there is such a function. You'll probably have to download the whole message and process it yourself.<br /><br />I do know there is an <a href="" target="_blank">IMAP PEAR package</a> that may be able to handle attachments. You may want to take a look at it.<br /><br />Other than that, this <a href="" target="_blank">Google search about PHP+IMAP+attachment</a> may have some interesting results <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->