I have a php script that generates a word document by creating it in HTML and outputting it to \[code\].doc\[/code\] when attaching static images from my website, the images load fine in Microsoft Word 03 and 2010. However when attempting to use a URL to generate an image (by parsing it a parameter) the image doesn't seem to load. \[code\]header('Content-type: application/ms-word');header('Content-Disposition: attachement;filename="report.doc"');header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');print($output);\[/code\]Heres what I'm trying to do, I have a URL (website.com/signature.php?form=XXXX) where \[code\]XXX\[/code\] is the form ID. The signature.php takes in the ID nunmber, locates the JSON stored on the server and generates an image from the JSON file, using this jquery plugin http://thomasjbradley.ca/lab/signature-to-image/The signature/image converts fine and I see it when I test it against some examples, however when opening up the document in word, it doesn't show.\[code\]<img style="display: block;" alt = "" width="200" height="74" src = "http://myWebsite.net/signature.php?form=' . $results[$i]['id'] . '" />\[/code\]That's what I have for my HTML.EDIT:In my signature.php I have the following:\[code\] require("DB/DBConnection.php"); require("signature-to-image.php"); $formID = $_REQUEST['form']; $dbh = DBConnection::connection(); $sql = "SELECT signature FROM forms where id = ?"; $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindValue(1, $formID, PDO:ARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetch(); if ($result != null) { $img = sigJsonToImage($result['signature']); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); }\[/code\]