PHP Function 'return' not returning


New Member
This is a bit of an oddity for me. PHP is my forte, and I can normally figure out any issue I encounter.I have a custom framework that I have been using for years. I have taken it upon myself to rewrite it, and I'm doing everything essentially the same that I was before. The problem lies in the following construct:\[code\]function ModPages_GetPage() { $page = ModPages_GetPageByName($_GET['page_name']); if($page != false) { include(TPL_DIR.'pages/pages.view.php'); } else { ErrorMessage('Invalid Page', 'The selected page could not be found.'); }}function ModPages_GetPageByName($page_name = null) { $db = new Database; $query = ' SELECT * FROM pages WHERE page_name = "'.CleanStr($page_name).'" AND page_enabled = "yes" LIMIT 1 '; $page = $db->GetRow($query); return $page;}\[/code\]This code is being called with 'home' for the value of \[code\]$_GET['page_name']\[/code\]. The call to \[code\]ModPages_GetPageByName()\[/code\] is working fine, but the value of \[code\]$page\[/code\] in \[code\]ModPages_GetPage()\[/code\] isn't getting set. Matter of fact, any debugging statements thrown in after that call are failing to display anything.I have \[code\]display_errors\[/code\] set to \[code\]on\[/code\], and \[code\]error_reporting\[/code\] set to \[code\]E_ALL\[/code\]. I get a couple notices from my Database class, but that's it.Running the script at a shell fails to produce any errors. When using \[code\]strace\[/code\], I do see the process spits out an 'exit_group(255)'.This one has me quite baffled. I could sure use some direction on this.