PHP Form Variables and POST - HTML Encoded Strings


New Member
I am not strong on my PHP knowledge, but I have never seen this before. In a config file, there are a list of options defined in an array like so:\[code\]$testarray[] = "None";$testarray[] = "Item 1 with normal text";$testarray[] = "Item 2&reg; with html encoded string";$testarray[] = "Item3&reg; with another html encoded string";\[/code\]So now, when the form is generated, it does a simple for each loop to create a list of radio buttons:\[code\]foreach ( $testarray as $key=>$item){echo '<div id="padBottom"><input type="radio" name="formItem"'; if ( $item == $_SESSION['ss']['selection']) echo ' checked="checked"'; echo ' value="' . $item. '" />' . $item. '</div>';}\[/code\]So far so good, the form generates like it should. The part that is not working is the If statement portion. On the page that this form posts to, it does a simple call to set \[code\]$_SESSION['ss']['selection'] = $_POST['formItem'];\[/code\] When this happens, the value that goes into session is the actual registered trademark symbol and not \[code\]'&reg;'\[/code\] as I would expect. As a result, if you select an item with the HTML encoded entity in it, we are not getting a match and your selection appears to be lost. In this example, choosing the first or second option results in the proper radio button being selected - if you choose option 3 or 4, then no selection appears to have been made when you return to this screen. Addtional info - the charset for this page is UTF-8 if that makes any difference here.Things I have tried[*]htmlspecialchars on the POST variable in the next page: result, nothing, still showing actual symbol.[*]htmlspecialchars on the form value for each radio option: result, I get \[code\]&reg;\[/code\] as part of my value which doesn't display well.