Php For A Dummy


Ok, I have little to no experience in PHP, but I'm hoping to learn soon!<br /><br />Here's the deal.. I yearn to leave static-HTML land! First, I suppose its easiest to see the issue at hand -- for example, please go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> just to see how that page is layed out (the same as pre-2001, 2002, and 2003 as well if you so desire). Whatever the case, the layout of that page is essentially just a bunch of "logs" -- each day entry has the same format (Date -- location; total distance; target area; blah blah blah). I COULD continue to hard-type these pages using HTML, but I was wondering if there was a database method / PHP method of doing this much more easily... Are there online resources where I could find out how to do this? I'm assuming it will take me quite a bit to learn MySQL, PHP, etc ,so I'm looking for a webpage / online tutorial that is perhaps more focused on something such as what I am looking for... If you click on a particular date in that 2004 log (such as <a href="" target="_blank">(<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 2904.shtml</a><!-- m --></a>), you'll see that that page, dedicated to a particular chase day, also has the same format as others ... In other words, I'm standardizing the clase log year pages (2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, pre2001) to have the same format, as well as making all the individual chase day logs (in 2004 at least) to have the same format... Hard-coding this in is somewhat time-consuming, since I find it easier to just use Notepad to type out the HTML rather than DreamWeaver or other wysiwyg webpage-aide... Any help? Thanks!<br /><br />Jeff<br /><br />P.S. - apologies for the semi-confusing post.. I've tried re-writing it, but I'm not doing a good job of putting into words what I am thinking... Ah well...<!--content-->
Have you thought of Content Management software for this like Movable Type or maybe even PHP-Nuke?<!--content-->
Hi Jeff<br /><br />I am in the same boat as you as far as php and mysql and have been looking and reading a lot. <a href="" target="_blank"></a> This is the tutorial that I have found that says it best hope it can help you too. At least it puts all in one or seems to everything else was bits and peices.<br /><br />Mike<!--content-->