PHP File Download


New Member
I'm currently building a script that will allow a user to download a file via a URL without actually seeing the filename or where the file is stored. So far I have everything built out, but I need to know how I would go about calling the file to open and download. I currently have a working version (code below), but for some reason the PHP is corrupting the download. Everytime I try to open a file that downloads to my desktop I get a corrupt error message. When I open the same file on the server itself, the file works just fine.URL Structure: that initiates the download\[code\] $fullpath = BASE_PATH . '../uploads/brochures/' . $vendors['0']['filename']; header("Content-type: application/pdf"); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fullpath . '"');\[/code\]Am I doing something wrong that would cause the file to become corrupt? Am I missing a header or two?Thanks in advance,Jake