PHP exceptions - do i have the correct idea?


New Member
i am trying to understand the use of exceptions in PHP.. How they work and when to use them... The basic structure below, is the the correct method.. It seems somewhat bloated to me?Thanks in advance for any advise or help.. \[code\]<?phpclass APIException extends Exception { public function __construct($message) { parent::__construct($message, 0); } public function __toString() { echo('Error: ' . parent::getMessage()); } public function __toDeath() { die("Oops: ". parent::getMessage()); }}?><?phprequire_once('exception.class.php');class auth extends base{ /* * User functions */ public function user_create($args='') { try { if ( !isset($arg['username']) || !isset($arg['password']) || !isset($arg['question']) || !isset($arg['answer']) ) { throw new APIException('missing variables, try again'); } } catch (APIException $e) { $e->__toString(); } try { if ( $this->user_exists() ) { throw new APIException('user already exists'); } } catch (APIException $e) { $e->__toString(); } } protected function user_exists($name) { // Do SQL Query try { $sql = "select * from user where username='$user'"; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { throw new APIException('SQL ERROR'); } } catch (APIException $e) { $e->__toDeath(); } }}?>\[/code\]