Php Error Reporting


Just a quick question (but an annoying one). PHP error reporting appears to be off on my server, that is when a script dies it just doesnt output anything, just a blank page. If the script runs its fine though. Anyone know how to turn it on, as its impossible to find bugs if you have no idea where to look!<br /><br />thanks in advance for any help!<!--content-->
What Rick said... <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /><!--content-->
Error reporting is turned off for all but fatal errors on our servers as they are production servers. You can turn it on by adding the following commands in your .htaccess file in the directory with your scripts.<br /><br /><br />php_flag display_errors on <br />php_value error_reporting 7<!--content-->