[PHP] easily work with picture uploads


How can I easily work with picture uploads.
Once the picture is uploaded through a form, how can I determine the width and height of the picture for exemple?by using getimagesize() or imagex() imagey()What exactly will the first one return? Can you perhaps give a little example of a script where it checks if width > 300?
thanks!This may help?

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.phphmmmmmmmmyeah">http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.g ... mmmmmmyeah</a><!-- m -->! thanks. damn all those functions i've never heard of. i'd better get myself a good book. though i guess there won't be any in my language yet for php 4.3.0...
still gotta do a good search.friday, tha php manual has all of the functions in it. no need to buy a book if the manual is free. it will answer 95% of all your questions.