New Member
I and lately I'm seeing h() and e() functions in php... I have googled them, but they are so short that results doesn't give any idea of what they are. I got results like exponential, or math related functions.for example:\[code\]<td><?php echo h($room['Room']['message']) ?></td>\[/code\]Does any one has an idea? or maybe they are not called functions? (I think I read about that very long ago, but I can remember its real name)ADDED:Thanks, for the replies.I am using cakephp and also found an e() example:\[code\]<?php e($time->niceShort($question['Question'] ['created'])) ?>\[/code\]If they were escaping somehow strings I think it would make sense, since I always see them right next the "echo"I still don't know what they are ;(