PHP DOM and HTML entities


New Member
I'm programming php cms with xml templates parsed by DOM and encountered error with html entities being replaced with symbols. Here is an example:\[code\]<CMS_STRING type="link" name="home" title="{enUS:"Home Link"}" />\[/code\]After saving document ($doc->saveXML()) this gets converted to:\[code\]<CMS_STRING type="link" name="home" title="{enUS:"Home Link"}" />\[/code\]And it causes errors with further template processing as I need to load and save multiple times (caching).I also tried hex entities and $doc->substituteEntities = false but they were still converted.EDIT: The problem actually was with \[code\]DOMNode::attributes->getNamedItem()->nodeValue\[/code\] which I used to process attributes. It returns code with replaced html entities.