Some help needed.
I am new to php and msql but though would have a go using it as my company has asked me for a project to set up an intranet.
With a designing background html and java experience of 4 yrs going to be a task.
Is there any information how to create a structure using the codes or is there any software whhere it puts the codes into place so can get an idea of the coding.
any input ideas or suggestions would be great and Appreciated
Firstly welcome to the board. This isnt the most appropriate forum to post this. Probably general would be better this is the PHP 5 forum for users using PHP 5 which is a new PHP version thats come out.
Ok there isnt a program that Im aware of that does this you can view the Manual <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> however PHP should be relatively easy if you've used Java although you will need to get use to it being loosly typed.An even better forum to start out in may be the Newbies' forum. But I'd agree with planetsim that a thorough browse of the manual (especially the first few chapters) is essential.Thanks for the replies
If posted in the incorrect place my apologies. will bear that inmind
i have desided to use ASP instead which i know..
Thanks anyway- Ill stick to what i know
I am new to php and msql but though would have a go using it as my company has asked me for a project to set up an intranet.
With a designing background html and java experience of 4 yrs going to be a task.
Is there any information how to create a structure using the codes or is there any software whhere it puts the codes into place so can get an idea of the coding.
any input ideas or suggestions would be great and Appreciated

Ok there isnt a program that Im aware of that does this you can view the Manual <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> however PHP should be relatively easy if you've used Java although you will need to get use to it being loosly typed.An even better forum to start out in may be the Newbies' forum. But I'd agree with planetsim that a thorough browse of the manual (especially the first few chapters) is essential.Thanks for the replies
If posted in the incorrect place my apologies. will bear that inmind

i have desided to use ASP instead which i know..
Thanks anyway- Ill stick to what i know