PHP Curl sending an empty array


New Member
Ok, I've checked the other questions similar to this one, and none seem to point out to a solution to my problem. I have the following code:\[code\]<?PHP$tamanho = $_REQUEST['tamanho'];$post_data['item_quant'] = $_REQUEST['item_quant'];$post_data['email_cobranca'] = $_REQUEST['email_cobranca'];$post_data['tipo'] = $_REQUEST['tipo'];$post_data['moeda'] = $_REQUEST['moeda'];$post_data['item_id'] = $_REQUEST['item_id'].$tamanho;$post_data['item_descr'] = $_REQUEST['item_descr'].'%20Tamanho%20'.$tamanho;$post_data['item_valor'] = $_REQUEST['item_valor'];$post_data['peso'] = $_REQUEST['peso'];$post_data['encoding'] = $_REQUEST['encoding'];$post_data['submit_01'] = $REQUEST['submit_01'];$curl = curl_init();curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "[erased for security]");curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data);$result = curl_exec($curl);curl_close($curl);header('Location:[erased for security]');?>\[/code\]It is a barebone code to send a post request to another website, after I modified the product ID and description a little, to make them more unique (so I don't have to create a different product for each color and size of the clothes). However, this arrives at the other page as an empty $_POST array. Location headed is the same location the post request is being sent to.No errors are being informed at the $result variable.The output of curl_getinfo($curl) shows the array being sent perfectly.Environment is PHP 5, and library being used is php_curl.dll.Something is happening between page A sending the array and page B receiving the array, and I am out of ideas. Can someone help me here, please?