New Member
I have tried everything, and multiple different source codes, I have tried creating the file so all the PHP had to do was write in it, and still unable to do it.This is my HTML on index.html\[code\]<form name="userinput" action="usersave.php" method="post">Your name: <input type="text" name="username><br>Your email: <input type="text" name="useremail"><br>Your story: <textarea rows="3" cols="50" name="userstory"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15845058/Submit!" name="submit"></form>\[/code\]And this is my PHP on usersave.php\[code\]<header><?php $file = 'output.txt'; $buffer = $_POST['userstory']; if (file_exists($file)) { $buffer = file_get_contents($file) . "\n" . $buffer; } $success = file_put_contents($file, $buffer);?></header>\[/code\]any help is appreciated, please and thank you.