PHP context switching


New Member
From the Classic ASP world, there was that issue of context switching. Context switching is you open PHP tags, you write a little bit of a php code, then you close the tags, you go on with a little bit of HTML and go back to PHP and keep doing these switches quite frequently. In ASP, this style of programming is not recommended there we are advised to minimize it as much as we can. In other words, instead of writing code like this in ASP\[code\]My name is <%response.write myName %> and I am <%response.write myage %> years of age.\[/code\]we are recommended to write code as follows; \[code\]<%response.write "My name is " & myName & " and I am " & myage & " years of age."%>\[/code\]With the latter, ASP.DLL spends less time parsing the script. My question is does this concept/issue/worry apply in the PHP world or not?